Ip on Social Media Should Be Protected

The Instigator


Pro (for)


0 Points

The Contender


Con (against)


4 Points

Should social media comments be protected past free speech?

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Voting Style: Open Point System: 7 Indicate
Started: 3/28/2017 Category: Society
Updated: 5 years ago Condition: Postal service Voting Catamenia
Viewed: 22,305 times Debate No: 101499

Argue Rounds (2)

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In that location is much controversy over the topic of gratuitous speech in social media comments. I believe that people should take the right to gratis speech on social media sites. Ane reason for this merits is that the internet is a identify where anyone tin share their opinion freely. Free spoken language has been an important part of the web for as long as it has existed. To have this abroad would prevent millions of people from expressing their views, and would go against the most primal aspect of the internet. We need to protect our right to free speech digitally!



While my opponent mentions an important concept, that the internet"south sole purpose is to exchange ideas and opinions, my stance remains. At that place are simply some messages that don"t deserve to be spread. For instance, terrorists groups, like ISIS, have used social platforms like Twitter to recruit people to enforce their reign of violence. This doesn"t but "spread an stance", it played a part in the expiry of innocent people. If that business relationship was taken downward immediately, less newcomers would take joined this dreadful group, cutting off the grouping"due south resources and saving lives. There is an important distinction betwixt free speech and hate spoken language. Afterwards all, if people were to get to plot murders or any kind of criminal offence in real life, they would be arrested, why should planning something like this online be any different?!

Debate Round No. 1



My opponent mentions very good points. Yet, Susanita neglects to consider the laws of our country. The US constitution gives every american a correct to costless speech. Any U.s.a. citizen is immune to say whatsoever they desire. However, this tin change once y'all join social media sites. Why should this be dissimilar on the internet? If comments are banned, where will the boundaries be? Will all comments be banned?



Although my opponent brings up a good indicate, saying that costless speech is the commencement subpoena in our constitution and it shouldn"t be limited online, I have to disagree. Aye, costless oral communication is important, but online, regulations need to be fix. For case, spreading false allegations most someone online. Online rumors have ruined people"s carriers. Indeed, at that place was a Taiwanese model, named Heidi Yeh, whose entire life was sent off the rails by a false allegation. She was role of an advertizement, where she stood next to two children and a man that was portraying her character"due south husband. Patently the children didn"t look much similar her, so somehow a rumor came to be. The rumor was that Heidi had had plastic surgery and she didn"t want her "husband" to know. Supposedly that"s why the children didn"t await like her. Although at that place was no truth to this merits, after this story went viral, modeling agencies turned downward her service, considering they refused to believe that she hadn"t had piece of work done. Since and so, she"s just had very small parts in minor ads. This all happened because of 1 ridiculous online rumor that wasn"t censored. All in all, some online comments should be able to be taken down, instead of hiding behind the concept of gratis speech.

Debate Round No. 2

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